Hello all!
Welcome to my new and improved website! Well, getting a facelift with a new webdesigner is fun times. lol
Let me just start this blog by stating the obvious....
WHAT A YEAR 2020 has been for everyone!!!
This year was already anticipated for my family to be a year of significant change, with my youngest (Abi) graduating high school and also my husband graduating Dental School!
[[Yes, people, my husband IS ACTUALLY A DENTIST NOW!!! WOOHOO!!]] My son graduated from our house to his own closeby. So. Much. Change.
Not to mention all the changes the entire world is taking on due to that nasty "C" word (Covid-19) that has decided to linger much longer and invade every continent on the planet.
Nonetheless, I'm so incredibly proud of the significant milestones our family reached this year. Adding to that, I've transitioned into a semi-retired role that allows me plenty of time for new adventures! I'm most excited for new projects which include creating an online-curriculum for worship training with Creative Lab Academy based out of the UK,
[check us out here www.creativelabacademy.com ]
I'll be doing more itinerant teaching/worship leading, blocking out significant times for writing some books I have on my heart to dive into for the next year. And hopefully returning to traveling soon!
2021 - the year we move FORWARD! Anyone want to agree with me?!? (Please!?!)
But for now, I'm largely taking a sabbatical. It takes more than a short vacation to rest your soul! In fact, it has been healing and life-giving to my body, mind, soul, and spirit. I find myself being mostly GRATEFUL. I can truly look back on the life I've had thus far and I'm so filled with gratitude of the doors God has opened! And from this resting spot, I know I'm gearing up for another "tour" somewhere. I'm almost a kid in the candy store ready for a new adventure/flavor to try out!
Speaking of seasons, there's a few life-lessons I've been learning in my season of transition:
Discern the season of life you're in. Don't rush ahead of God on his timing for the dreams and visions He's put in your heart. In due season they will simply begin to manifest. Sow into the current fields, reap the current harvest, and watch as you continue to bear abundant fruit and also learn to enjoy the fruit of your labor in due season!
Learn the value of REST. God designed us for rest. To reset and recharge is absolutely necessary for us to not only function, but to continue to be healthy. Healthy trees bear fruit. Unhealthy trees die. Don't be fooled into thinking you're more important than every other created thing/creature. Respect God's design and watch YOUR purposes come alive and flourish WHILE you rest!
You are only bearing fruit when you are growing! If you find yourself stagnant, no matter how valuable you think you are, or how much you've sacrificed to get where you arrived, you simply CANNOT stay there. Meaning, your PERSONAL growth is directly connected to your purpose. Sometimes it is as simple as regrouping and refocusing on something new. Sometimes a whole new scenery is needed because your "assignment" is over. I thank God each day that I am not personally the author of this life HE gave me. I surrendered that long ago! I get to follow, enjoy, sow seeds and watch the harvest appear simply because I did my part. God gives the increase. All glory to Him in His faithfulness to HIS WORD in my life. And yours!
Okay, that's enough SELAH for this evening.
What are some lessons you've been learning lately? Maybe they are similar or completely different than mine? I hope this blog can open up a dialogue so we can encourage one another in life, faith, and everything in between! Love to you all! - M
