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Commissioning the Commoners...

Writer: Marcia AlversonMarcia Alverson

This is a phrase the Lord has given me, and I'm praying on what to do with it. What it looks like. For years, I've seen a vision of the Lord assembling his army. They "march to the beat of a different drum." They are attentive to Kingdom matters, and arent enamored with the business model approach to ministry (although there is some validity to methods that are good to utilize!)

As I've been writing curriculum on Practical Discipleship, I've been asking the Lord to reveal HIS heart through the words and teachings. And what arises are two things: 1) Being a disciple of Christ is simple: to know Him, and to make Him known. 2) discipling others should be second nature. Bottom line is that we are not called to operate God's house like the world operates businesses. We are a FAMILY of believers. The level of interest and investment we have for the next generation should fuel our entire purpose. To see other's success in Being Jesus' disciple should be our chief joy and common goal. You do NOT need a ministry title or official job to be a disciple or "discipler" of Christ! We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

The Church needs to be about the Father's business. My view of what God's business is has changed through the years. As I experienced nearly half a century of my own life on earth, there's no greater joy than to see the investment I've made in others begin to take root and bear fruit. When we view our work as eternal through the principle of reaping and sowing, we begin to understand that God's design is through an investing and harvesting process. We value not only what we bring in the moment, but what we sow can indeed reap greater rewards as time marches on. What an honor to see a true LEGACY of Christ in us, the Vine, giving life to the branches (us) so that we can bear much fruit. That fruit contains seed that goes into the ground, dies, and brings life to others in often brand new lives, scenarios, that we may not even know about! When you see the ETERNAL impact you can have as you INVEST in lives around you, it is compelling enough to want to invest in people. PEOPLE are God's product. And God's purpose. So, YOU! Yes, I'm talking to YOU! No matter your job, profession, rank or role in the Church, you are a DISCIPLE of Christ, and therefore are COMMISSIONED to be like Christ and DO like Christ did! When we are grafted into the Vine, our DNA intertwines with the King of Kings and when his heart flows through us, we are bringing life to everything around us. Think about what youre gifted at. Think of the life and light you already bring. Begin praying for those people in your life. Let the Lord show you how he is ministering through you on the daily. Be his light and his salt. And watch your world come to life around you. And after you're long gone, you'll see the fruit of your faithfulness. The Commoner is not common- He is commissioned from the COURTS of the KING! We are truly blessed to be a blessing. Go and do likewise!



@ 2020 created by Marcia Alverson on

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